Sunday 15 February 2015

ionFullApp -Ionic PhoneGap/Cordova Full Hybrid App (Full Applications)


IonFullApp gives you the bootstrap you need in order to build your next PhoneGap / Cordova application based on the Ionic framework. We have put a lot of work for making this app beautiful so we hope you like it!

IonFullApp is a PhoneGap / Cordova Full Hybrid App with AngularJS + Ionic framework (Latest Release: 1.0.0).

PhoneGap is a very helpful hybrid mobile app development framework, which can drastically improve your HTML5 app development experience. It allows you to easily access native functionality, like camera and Geolocation via JavaScript. Ionic framework is an open source front-end SDK for developing awesome hybrid mobile apps with HTML5.


  • PhoneGap / Cordova Full Hybrid App using AngularJS + Ionic framework

  • Ionic framework open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5

  • AngularJS Controllers, Directives, Filters, Services, Factories

  • Complete guide to help you understand and use this app.

  • Beautiful UI/UX

  • Push Notifications

  • WordPress Integration with JSON API

    • “Loading…” sign when bringing posts

    • Pull to refresh new posts

    • Infinite scroll (improves user experience in mobile)

    • “Read more” button to have access to the entire post

    • Bookmark icon

    • Share a post with Social Sharing tool

    • Like a post

    • Increase and Decrease font size control

    • WordPress post categories

  • RSS Feed

    • Google Feed API

    • Different categories

    • Very easy to customize

    • “Loading…” sign when bringing posts

    • Pull to refresh new posts

    • “Read more” button to have access to the entire post using the InAppBrowser plugin.

    • Bookmark icon

  • Access your phone native email sender provider to send emails using the Email composer plugin

  • Use the native sharing window of your mobile device to share things into your social networks or messaging apps using the SocialSharing Plugin

  • Show Mobile Ads with Google AdMob using Cordova admob pro plugin. iOS and Android integration.

  • Rate this app functionality in Google and Apple stores. We use a the AppRate plugin

  • Access user’s geolocation using GeoLocation Plugin

  • Show map. In order to show a map we use a very easy to use angular directive called ngMap.

  • Open any external link with InAppBrowser Plugin

  • App settings. Find examples of how to use toggles, checkboxes, ranges, radio buttons.

  • Action Sheet Integration. The Action Sheet is a slide-up pane that lets the user choose from a set of options.

  • Different type of inputs/labels that you can use to create your app.

  • Videos: Allows you to play, pause, and load videos

  • Audios: Allows you to play, pause, and load audios

  • Login / Signup

    • Login tabbed options (login with email or phone)

    • Form validation

    • Show/Hide password functionality

    • Forgot password

    • Signup

Login / Sign Up

Google Feeds API


Rate this app

Maps & GeoLocation

Email Composer

WordPress JSON API

JSON API allows you to retrieve and manipulate WordPress content using HTTP requests.




Push Notifications

ionFullApp -Ionic PhoneGap/Cordova Full Hybrid App (Full Applications)

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