Monday 16 February 2015

Database Manager for Concrete5 (Administration)

Database Manager is an addon for Concrete5 that provides the admin with a way to view and edit the database tables.


  • Access any database on the current server

  • Select any table

  • CRUD interface: create, read, update, delete records

  • Option to make interface “read only”

  • Enable / disable “create” access

  • View database environment info

  • Ability to blacklist tables (requires modifying code)

This tool is ideal for development and managing or updating data on your Concrete site.

To view or modify a table, simply select the table from the drop-down. You can then view, edit, create, and delete records.

Works with Concrete 5.5.1 –

WARNING: It is possible to break your site with this tool! Recommended only for those that understand database management. Use at your own risk.

Database Manager for Concrete5 (Administration)

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