Friday, 6 February 2015

Briefcase with Money (Miscellaneous)

This is a model of a Briefcase and Cash ($100 Dollar Bill Stacks). This model is good for use in any video game development program or 3D software.


-Briefcase Model with open and close animation

-$100 Dollar Bill Money Stack (Single Stack)

-$100 Dollar Bill Money Stack (Group Stack to fit in the Briefcase)

-All Textures

This Model (The Briefcase) is ANIMATED with an open/close animation.

The textures on the Briefcase can be easily changed to different textures/colors, for example, if you have a leather texture, you can easily make the Briefcase appear to be leather instead of metal (because it is UV unwrapped, if you apply any seamless texture and scale the texture accordingly, it will fit the Briefcase perfect with whatever texture you choose.

Any questions please contact me!

Thank you and enjoy!

Briefcase with Money (Miscellaneous)

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