Monday 16 February 2015

blank Theme for crea8social (Add-ons)

blank Theme for crea8social 3.3

- fallback function

- switched to 3column design

- swapped sides main with right

+ added

+ list of joined and own communities in

+ third column reserved for Ads!

+ redesign

+ redesign

+ redesign main.editor

+ redesign post.headers

+ added privacy.icons for post.headers.privacy.status

+ implement newest ion-icon version 2.0

+ added fixed scrollbar for Ads

+ added fixed scrollbar for profile.left.column

+ added new information.table – design

  • fixed image.size on friends, connections, followers on profile.left.column

  • fixed image.size on communties.right.column

  • fixed mobile.view

! please test before buy.

! Theme is based with Ads. You need Ads.Addon. But with little knowhow you can change with your own content.

Demo on:

Domain_user: Demo

Domain_pass: Demo_123

blank Theme for crea8social (Add-ons)

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