Major Highlights
- * suitable for any kind of 3D applications *
- 3ds max 2009 Vray 150sp6 and scanline / OBJ… and more formats are provided
- 8000×8000 pix texture maps for the flow, slope, displacement (GS16bit), normal,
bump and two different “diffuse colors”
- * a “3ds max 2013/V-ray 3.0” Populated bonus scene, including 4 Birch tree
models in VRmesh format *
- Flow and slope texture maps should help you, to combine with provided diffuse
textures, to compose with your own texture productions and to help you with
populating tasks
Hope this item will open a list of a High Definition Terrains, suitable
for variable landscaping situations.
This first terrain was produced with World Machine. Because of the large amount
of maps to be bake, including flow masks, displacement, normal, bump, complex
color diffuses, but also the 8K pixel resolution of these maps, a large calculation
time and up to 25 Gigs of RAM memory, were necessary to succeed.
I used forest pack plugin in order to illustrate my HD terrain, in some realistic
conditions. However, this action was limited to the use of a single tree species,
for a fast illustrative purpose.
No need to say, that illustrations based on such quality level of terrains, deserve
more development for populating management, but my major task was to come-up with a
significant number of views… So far, I’ve explored a small amount of possible
views from this terrain; this is why one of my populated scenes, made within
3ds max 2015-sp2 using Vray, was saved into a 3ds max 2013 file format, and
integrated to this package, for your own exploration…
4 Birch tree models, used in vray mesh proxy mode to populate this scenes, are also
provided. In order to use this populated scene, you are going to need 3ds max 2013,
vray 3, a recent forest pack pro (4.2.4) and the free plugin “MultiTexture”.
- Avalable Formats *
Those familiar with my previous submitted items, should be aware that this package
is based on textures and targets the “subdivision geometry on the fly” as creation
method, used by almost every rendering engine within the 3D industry.
So here, rather than 1 million face terrain in many different formats,
I am providing you advanced scenes, showing a displaced terrain setup, with 64
million polygon subdivisions, and populating distribution management.
- size *
Even if this material corresponds more likely to a 4×4km terrain, I have
chosen 800×800m, more convenient for scene management
HD TERRAIN R1.0 (Theme Packages)
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