Saturday 9 August 2014

Events Logger add-on for Security Ninja (Add-ons)

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Security Ninja add-on

Monitor everything that happens on your WordPress site!

  • monitor, track and log more than 50 events on the site in great detail – view demo

  • know what happened on the site at any time, in the admin and on the frontend

  • prevent “I didn’t do it” conversations with clients – Events Logger doesn’t forget or lie

  • easily filter trough events

  • know exactly when and how an action happened, and who did it

  • receive email alerts for selected groups of events

  • events are logged for following modules:

    • Comments – add, edit, trash, spam, approve, …

    • File editor – which file was edited in a plugin/theme

    • Installer – updates for core, plugins and themes; activation for themes/plugins

    • Media – add, remove, edit, …

    • Menus – add, remove, edit, …

    • Posts – for all post types; add, remove, edit, status change, …

    • Security Ninja – basic scans, core scans, scheduled scans

    • Settings – any change for core and plugin/theme settings

    • Taxonomies – for all taxonomies; add, edit, remove, …

    • Users – login, logout, register, edit, remove, role change, …

    • Widgets – add, edit, remove, reorganize, …

  • each logged event has the following details:

    • date and time

    • event description (ie: “Search widget was added to Primary sidebar.” or “Failed login attempt with username admin.”)

    • username and role of user who did the action

    • IP and user agent of the user

    • module

    • WordPress action/filter

  • complete integration with Security Ninja’s easy-to-use GUI

  • compatible with all themes and plugins

Demo and details


v1.0 - August 7th 2014
* initial release

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Events Logger add-on for Security Ninja (Add-ons)

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